Friday, May 9, 2014

My Baby Wears Combat Boots

At the time, I was just an Army wife for 22 years and had my roller coaster moments when he was deployed and even when he was home but I never felt that I couldn't do it. Then while the hubby was on his last deployment 2 years ago, our oldest came home and told me he was joining the Army too. I was okay with that decision and was filled with pride. The day he swore in (Sept 11, 2012) was the hardest day of my as a Mom. I didn't see a 21 year old man with his hand raised. I saw a chubby cheek blond hair boy with his dimpled hand raised. I was a mess but it was one of the proudest moments of my life. Army wife is one thing, Army Mom is a whole other ballgame and to be both well it has its roller coaster moments too. I love both of my Soldiers. Happy Appreciation Day to all Spouses and Mothers!
First day of Kindergarten

First day of the Army

No matter what, he is still my baby and my oldest. Congratulations on your recent promotion my son, Mom is proud!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Our Life in the Dawg House

Our life is crazy, chaotic, and never dull....this is our story. There is a menagerie of people and animals that reside within these four walls and people come and go, ambling in and out as they please, enjoying this crazy little thing we call life. This is our story. This is our life in the Dawg House.

Four children raised in the Army life, an English Bulldog that runs this place with his best buddy, the Maine Coon called Willie aka Munchkin. (There in lies the joke because he is far from a Munchkin) and Mama, a reclusive, shy and slightly paranoid cat. They have been recently joined by two puppies and a kitten because we are all probably certifiably crazy and our oldest daughter keeps bringing home animals. I guess we should all be thankful that she hasn't started collecting people the way she does animals......

I have followed my Soldier for 23 years now, my life was never what you could call boring. My favorite quote "I had cast my lot with a Soldier and where he was was home to me" ~ Martha Summerhayes, says it all. Where he goes, I shall follow. Amazingly enough, God and the Army wanted us to stay at Fort Riley for 19 of his 26 years. We have a couple of years before retirement and just completed our fourth deployment and patiently wait to see what is in store for us next.

Our life is far from quiet and the house is never really empty. We are loud, boisterous, and crazy but we love just as hard. This is the story of our life in the Dawg House.